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6 years ago · by · 0 comments

6 Reasons You Need to Get Renters’ Insurance

If you’re renting an apartment, condo, or home, then you’ll need an additional renters’ insurance policy to cover your personal belongings. Even if you feel like you don’t need insurance, here are some reasons why you should get such a policy. It Protects Your Personal Property It can cover…

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6 years ago · by · 0 comments

How to Insure Your Home Business

Congratulations on pursuing your passion and taking the leap to become a home-based business owner! Starting your own home business can be an exciting albeit nerve-wracking time. The good news is the odds of success are in your favor. Today, there are approximately 38 million home-based businesses being run…

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6 years ago · by · 0 comments

Is Flood Damage Covered by My Home Insurance?

If your home suffers damage in a flood, don’t count on homeowners insurance being enough to protect you. A standard home insurance policy does not cover flooding that originates outside your home, although some types of water damage may be covered. To get coverage against flooding, you will need…

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6 years ago · by · 0 comments

What To Expect During A Premium Audit

All business owners probably understand that it is crucial to insure their business against all sorts of eventualities. The issue comes when they have to pick the right coverage products to cover all their liabilities. This is why most coverage companies will conduct a premium probe. A premium probe…

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6 years ago · by · 0 comments

Insurance Terms 101: Speak Like an Insurance Agent!

The terminology used by an insurance agent can be daunting. Most of us have heard the terms numerous times, but cannot explain what they really mean. Not fully comprehending these terms can be problematic for the average consumer. These terms indicate the type of coverage the policy issues. If…

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6 years ago · by · 0 comments

How to Stay Safe When It Starts to Hail

Hail can be a common form of precipitation in many parts of the world, it forms during thunderstorms. When the storm has windy updrafts, it can literally carry water droplets and these droplets may be frozen into hard pellets. This freezing process then creates what is known as a…

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6 years ago · by · 0 comments

Ways to Protect Your Farm Business

Starting a farm business is an exciting experience, especially if you are passionate about farming. There are hundreds of reasons to invest in agriculture. For instance, if you invest wisely in poultry or cattle raring, you will gain good profits every year. However, in order to earn a good…

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6 years ago · by · 0 comments

Common Insurance Myths – Busted

There is a lot of great information about insurance. However, there are also a lot of insurance myths. For example, many people think that they will have to pay more for insurance if they drive a red car. They may also think that their belongings are covered by their…

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Company informations

Cincinnati Family and
Business Insurance
910 Loveland Madeira Road,
Loveland, OH 45140

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Available 8:00am - 4:00pm